Factoring FAQs

Most common customer questions are answered right here.

New to Working Capital Finance?

Fill out the Registration Form and we will get back to you

New Invoices to be Sold?

Fill out the Factoring Service Request Form and we will get back to you

Smash Repair Completed?

Fill out the Vehicle Collection and Clearance Form if the insurer does not have one
Two question marks on a balance

New to Invoice Factoring?

Factoring and invoice discounting is simply selling your invoices for cash from us so you can access the money you are owed when you actually need it.

Do you have questions for us?

The most common questions that we have encountered have been answered below. If you still have any specific queries, get in touch and our team will be happy to answer them for you.

Factoring is simply selling your invoices for a small fee. Like any other asset in your business, you can sell the debts that insurance companies owe you for completed repairs.
Working Capital Finance will buy these debts from you for a small fee. We specialise in factoring solely for the smash repair industry.

It couldn’t be easier. Simply send us your repair invoice and the insurance company repair authority for your completed repairs BEFORE you send it to the insurance company. We check the invoice and if it’s all good, we buy it from you for cash immediately EFT’d into your bank account. For insurance company invoices accepted for discounting, we pay you up to 100% of the value of the invoice, less our factoring fee of 2%. The minimum fee is $40 per invoice. The factoring fee is only 1.75% if the repair invoice is $20,000 or above.

1. When you must make a payment straight away

  • Not paying wages on time can be a disaster
  • Not keeping a supplier’s account up to date can see service cut-off (power, telephone) or the account frozen or litigation commenced (unpaid tax)

2. When you can make more income

  • Sometimes having immediate extra cash lets you take on bigger repairs or new work.
  • If the extra income from additional work is greater than the cost of the factoring then your net income increases
  • Sometimes having immediate extra cash means you avoid extra costs, perhaps avoid late fees
    If the extra cost of factoring is less than the cost of the late fees you avoid, then you have protected your net income from an even bigger fall.

3. When you only need the “loan” for a very short period. Unlike new bank loans, there are no Establishment Fees. These fees can make short term bank debt really expensive compared to factoring despite its headline interest rate seeming very low.

4. When you need cash immediately. We regularly get cash to new customers the SAME DAY they first contact us. YES! It really is that fast!

Factoring can immediately release the cash tied up in your unpaid insurance company invoices, giving you the freedom to put the cash to good use. We can get you the cash as quickly as just 2 hours* if you really need it, or by the next business day, which is our standard service. Both of which is a fraction of the time it takes most Banks to act.

If you need a large amount or just a small amount of cash right now then invoice discounting/factoring can’t be beaten

  • It’s fast – Same day in need
  • It’s easy to set up. No security. No financial accounts or similar are needed.
  • No establishment fees or setup costs
  • You incur costs only if you use it.

(*An additional fee applies for this service. Call us for details)


OFTEN IT IS FAR BETTER THAN OTHER ALTERNATIVES - It's always quicker and with no Documentation Fees, Unused Limit Fees, Line Fees and no need for Financial Accounts or Security it can often be the cheapest.

About Our Invoice Factoring Company

Kim Jacobs and the team at Working Capital Finance are experienced professional factoring specialists who focus on invoice factoring for Australia’s smash repairers. With a strong success rate and a long history, we help smash repairers generate crucial cash flow when they need it most.

Read more about us.

Get Started with Fast Invoice Factoring

Do you want access to your money now? Follow our five easy steps to factoring or contact us today.

Get Started with Fast Invoice Factoring

Do you want access to your money now? Follow our five easy steps to factoring